Discovering the City of David

20% הנחה
MaggidISBN: 9781592644216

103 ₪ 129 ₪
אזל מהמלאי


Discovering the City of David   brings the wealth of finds and detailed research of ancient Jerusalem to the doorstep of lay readers for the first time. The author, Ahron Horovitz, director of Megalim- the City of David institute for Jerusalem Studies, is deeply involved in the archaeological study of the City of David. As an experienced educator and seasoned tour guide, Horovitz expertly blends the riches of the biblical sources and the most up- to date archaeological discoveries fresh from the field. This unique combination brings to life the history of Jerusalem, from its founding in the middle Bronze age through the biblical and the second temple period.
The first part of   Discovering the City of David   surveys the major historical periods in the history of ancient Jerusalem. The second part is a guided tour of all the major sites In the City of David. Readers can sit back and learn about the discovery of each of these sites and how the findings relate to the events and places mentioned in the Bible.   Discoveing the City of David   features illuminating drawings and exciting reconstructions, some of whice were prepared exclusively for this book.

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