The Lady of Hebrew and Her Lovers of Zion

TobySKU: 9781592645244

79.00 ₪
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A number of major Hebrew authors, writing in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, had a huge impact on the evolution of the modern Hebrew language and on the emergence of Zionism as a his­toric force in Jewish life. Yet Hebrew novelists, essayists, and poets like Joseph Perl, Peretz Smolenskin, Ahad Ha’am, Micha Yosef Berdichevsky, Chaim Nachman Bialik, Rahel, Yosef Chaim Brenner, and S. Y. Agnon are far from being of only historical significance. All were highly accomplished writers who owe their place in the pantheon of modern Hebrew literature to the skill, depth, and power of their work.
InThe Lady of Hebrew and Her Lovers of Zion, acclaimed Jewish writer and master translator Hillel Halkin offers a glimpse of these authors and their writing in a captivating work of literary criticism, intellectual history, virtuoso translation, and personal reflection all in one.

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